Freedom Caucus

It’s about America and securing our God given rights to freedom.

Election Integrity

We believe in the principle of one person, one vote. Check back to the page to read about our thoughts on the important matter of  election integrity.

The Constitution versus Globalism

MA-GA & Constitutionalist must address Globalism. If you do a Google search on Globalism, you will find several meanings and videos saying why Globalism is good and bad. One of the main reasons Globalism is bad is because it is not compatible with our US Constitution. We are experiencing the decay of our Bill of […]

MA-GA Partners with Georgia Freedom Caucus

MA-GA has partnered with the Georgia Freedom Caucus to assist in the following task: Promote good legislation by contacting the MA-GA members when necessary to make contact with their representatives and tell them how they should vote on specific bills. Assist in fundraising for qualified candidates at the State House and Senate. Distribute the scorecards […]