MA-GA & Constitutionalist must address Globalism.

If you do a Google search on Globalism, you will find several meanings and videos saying why Globalism is good and bad. One of the main reasons Globalism is bad is because it is not compatible with our US Constitution. We are experiencing the decay of our Bill of Rights in this country almost daily. We have lost a lot of sovereignty as a nation because we are so dependent on foreign markets now. Our elected officials at the State and Federal level work for the lobbyists from large corporations wishing to make a global profit. In return, they get large sums of money which helps them stay elected for many years. Many are probably unaware they are destroying the people’s representative form of government.

We have already experienced the loss of jobs in this country because companies can make their products cheaper in other countries. We have become a nation of consumers with low-paying jobs and welfare recipients. Young people starting a family struggle to make enough money to pay their bills. Owning a home is out of reach for many first-time buyers for many years. The Georgia Rental Association (GRA) will pay your rent in the many new high-rise apartments if you qualify. That money comes from the federal government and the GRA manages it.

Even though our national debt is past a point where it can’t be paid back using conventional forms of payments, our government officials print dollars and give them to foreign countries increasing inflation and reducing our buying power in this country. Over the years, our government has spent trillions on the endless wars around the globe bringing death a destruction to many innocent people. We are being told it is all about humanitarian reasons but it is really about enabling global power to control other countries.

Many of our elected officials want open boards in this country to help break down our sovereign nation as a Constitutional Republic. The open borders bring in cheap labor for the corporation’s use, not ours. It isn’t just this country without borders. Many of the European countries don’t have a border allowing easy access to immigrants from all over the world to come in and live. As millions of people come into the US unrestricted, it brings in crime, disease, drugs, and new voters who don’t care about American values. It also increases the need for schools, roads, and hospitals which increases the taxpayer’s burden.

Globalists have two main goals. (1) Collective decision-making. The globalists see the world as one big group of people. The Globalists are pushing for the Global Rule of Law which will override any single country’s laws. If international law takes over a nation’s law, how can a country protect its people? (2) Collective Values. Globalists want to fight against climate change, disease, war, and poverty which will be accomplished through their global citizenship plan. It is believed that by becoming a global citizen, you should have more empathy for others regardless of their race religion, or ethnicity. Mark Zuckerberg wants to set community standards that reflect our collective values. Facebook users have heard their post does not fit community standards and you are not allowed to make the post. Isn’t that going against our right to free speech? People using Facebook with their business must conform to their collective values to keep their business going in many cases.

To manage globalization, several unelected organizations have been set up. The United Nations is the one we have heard the most about. Most recently the World Health Organization (WHO) came into the spotlight when Covid hit. We also have the Council on Foreign Rations (CFR) which has been around for many years. Others include the World Trade Organization (WTO) United Nations Human Rights Council, (UNHRC), and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

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